Stressjudo’s Blog

Turn stress Into OPPORTUNITIES

Posts Tagged ‘family budgeting’

Personal Budget Planner: Tracking Your Spending

Posted by stressjudo on September 13, 2010

The first step in creating a successful budget is creating your own personal budget planner.  The key is the “personal” part.  There are plenty of templates, software programs, and websites that can give you suggestions of how a budget should be organized, or what items should go into a budget.  But when it comes to your personal budget, only you are best qualified to decide what it should look like.  This is because your spending patterns are personal to you and your family; and may not have the same categories as these pre-packaged planners.  Poorly managed finances can add almost unbearable stress to an individual or family.  Proper stress management must include some budgeting.
Here are 8 steps to tracking your spending, the first step to successful budgeting. For the rest, click on Personal budget planner

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