Stressjudo’s Blog

Turn stress Into OPPORTUNITIES

Posts Tagged ‘signs of stress’

Signs Of Stress: Mental

Posted by stressjudo on December 30, 2011

Do you know the signs of stress? Not just feeling stress. Because waiting until you feel stress is like deciding to fight the enemy after they’ve come through the gate and over the walls. Your body and your mind let you know that stress is coming.

Stress makes your body go into “fight or flight” reaction. There are countless systems and methods to minimize the effects of this once it kicks in. But what if you got ahead of the stress? What if you could cut off the reaction before it started?

Here are 5 signs of stress that affect you mentally (as opposed to emotionally or physically):
1. Memory problems. Stress acts a silent, internal distracter. Part of your mind is literally always focused on the stress, thinking about it, trying to figure it out. This sometimes results in you forgetting little things (like how to tie a tie) or big things (a missed appointment). If you notice this happening, start looking for stress that you aren’t dealing with.
2. Concentration problems. Since part of your mind is tinkering with the stress, your concentration is not 100% on whatever task you are trying to focus on.
3. Judgment problems. Many times, to escape the pain or unpleasantness of the stress, you will unconsciously make self-destructive decisions. More drinking, overeating, and promiscuous sex are all poor judgment decisions that people make when under stress. If your behavior in these areas increases, start thinking about attacking your stress.
4. Worry problems. A little bit of worry is natural, and even good. It protects you from rash decisions. But if your worry is starting to overwhelm your decisions or your actions, it is a sign that stress is increasing in your life.
5. Uncontrollable thoughts problems. Your thoughts rise up, like bubbles from the bottom of the lake. And you, when you are not being pushed by stress, can pick and choose the thoughts you want to entertain or follow up with. But when your thoughts come faster and uncontrollably, and you are losing the ability to rein them in, take time to step back and find the stress in your life that is contributing to this.

Think back to the last big fight you had with stress. Wouldn’t it have been easier if you could stay focused? If you weren’t fatigued? If you could think clearly, and not be distracted? Wouldn’t it have been easier if you had fought the stress before these signs kicked in?

A stress management system that (kicks in) immediately on seeing one of these or other signs of stress will give you a better chance of fighting through the stress successfully. A system that has components specifically focused on strengthening these areas is more likely to make the stress feel – well, stressless. Having the right tool for the job is a lot easier when the job tells you what tool to use. Learn to recognize and react to the signs of stress.

STRESS JUDO COACHING is a 6 step comprehensive stress management system, designed to train you to attack stress and transform it into opportunities.

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Executive Leadership Coaching – Making The Most Of It

Posted by stressjudo on June 24, 2010

If you are going to go for executive leadership coaching, you need to make sure it sticks.  See, many companies that say they offer “coaching” offer only a 1 day or 2 day seminar 0n goal setting and teamwork.  Or they come in and kibbitz your project and then give you crappy little saying about leadership.

What you want is coaching that will develop your leadership.   Or coaching that you can pass on to your team, to develop leaders.   But without having to pay a consultant hundreds of dollars an hour to do it.

Try STRESS JUDO Black Belt stress management training.  A black belt in a martial art is someone who can identify the areas that he or she needs to work on, and is trained to train himself or herself.  In other words, the coaching of a black belt develops someone who is self-coaching as well as coach to others.

This is the model that STRESS JUDO is based on.   Mastering stress and staying calm and focused under pressure is probably the first trait that people think of when they identify a leader.   Now, that person can be YOU!

Look at STRESS JUDO as the beginning of your executive leadership coaching.  Everyone around you will thank you.

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Posted by stressjudo on June 23, 2009

Everyone is watching the unfortunate breakdown of Jon and Kate Gosselin’s marriage. It is now the saga of Jon and Kate divorce.  It is a private tragedy playing out in public.  And everyone is asking what could have prevented this.  Well, first and foremost, everyone should probably be looking at the characters of the people involved. And maybe STRESS JUDO could have helped.

 Having your every move, especially how you raise your kids, seems to be the definition of stress, doesn’t it?  And in such a high-pressure situation, simplistic stress reduction techniques like meditation or taking a break is clearly inadequate.  But the signs of stress were obvious to anyone who watched the show.   So what components of the STRESS JUDO stress management system could have helped them?

 The fourth component of STRESS JUDO is “self-examination.”  It is a key component of handling stress to periodically examine yourself to see how you are reacting to the stress. Are you handling it in a positive manner?  By engaging in self examination, you can review whether you are handling the stress, or whether it is overwhelming you.  Or, in the case of Jon and Kate, whether it is changing you into someone you don’t want to be.

 The sixth component of STRESS JUDO is spiritual growth.  This does not mean to pick a particular religion or philosophy.  It means to define your values and to handle the stress in line with your values and morals.  It means to strengthen your will and self discipline, to be able to withstand temptations to deviate from what you believe to be right and moral.

 The seventh component of STRESS JUDO is coaching.  You should have a coach or role model for how you handle stress.  At a certain level, this requires you to humble yourself to be able to learn from someone else.  This component also talks about coaching yourself.  Again, to engage in self examination.

 The above components are only 3 of the 12 components of STRESS JUDO. It seems to me these are the 3 most applicable to the Jon and Kate situation, to be able to have helped them.  Had either one of them really self-examined, he or she might have seen what the show was doing to him or her and to their family. Had either one of them examined his or her own values and philosophy, they would have seen how far the show and the pseudo-fame was pulling them from their core values.  Finally, had either of them used a coach – or even decided  to be his or her own coach – they would have seen that they weren’t handling being parents and celebrities very well.

Could STRESS JUDO have saved this marriage?  The answer of course is purely speculative.  But STRERSS JUDO has all the components to have given them the best shot at surviving the stress of the show and the fans and the pressures of sudden fame and fortune.  Maybe it can help your situation too.

Get your FREE reports on the 12 components of a complete stress management system. There is also a report on how stress damages your performance.

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Posted by stressjudo on June 22, 2009

 The definition of stress is the internal resistance of an object to an external force. In other words, how your body and psyche react to forces outside you. There’s “good” stress – like how do you spend the huge lottery jackpot? But for most people, there is only bad stress. The stress that keeps you up at night, gives you high blood pressure, has you gaining weight and being snappy and surly to your friends and family. So should you “manage” this stress? Or reduce it? Or both?

Stress management is the overall term applied to how you consciously handle stress. But too many stress management programs are one-trick ponies. Use meditation, which makes you feel good inside, but does not attack the stressor. Use stress reduction techniques like problem solving may get rid of the stressor, but your body is suffering the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress.

The proper answer to how to deal with stress is to both manage and reduce it. By managing stress, we mean how you recognize the signs of stress and the effects of stress on the body. You control how your body and emotions react to the stressor. The purpose is to reduce the symptoms of stress, so that your body and mind are in a strengthened state, capable of fighting against stress. By stress reduction, we mean the techniques and tactics to attack and destroy the stressor. The purpose is to eliminate the stress, so that the effects of stress on the body stop being compounded by unrelenting stress.

To get maximum stress relief, your stress management system should be managing the stress and at the same time, reducing it. You actually do not need to choose. You can have a system that analyzes the stressor, strengthens your body and will to fight stress, and kicks your creative thinking and gime mangement skills into high gear, to eliminate the stress. The bad health effects of stress on the body are minimized. The effect on your emotions is elation and confidence.

STRESS JUDO will give you 2 FREE reports, for only the costs “internet shipping” – that would be $0.00 for domestic requests, and an additional $0.00 for international requests. These reports will outline the most comprehensive stress management system available. It will change how you view stress. And in doing so, it will change how you view life: from never-ending stress to never-ending opportunities.

Click stress management for your free information, and free membership into the STRESS JUDO community.

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